Friday, January 1, 2010

Pldt Disconnection Letter

"I bet its part hopes that the coming year is to be better people."

First post of the new year, how exciting.
do not.

I started the year by an outburst to my mother, saying it can not go around the house talking on the phone at ten o'clock in the morning, the day before if you went to bed at two o'clock and the one before before four o'clock. I have a lot of sleep deprived that you have no idea, by the way without parentheses. It 's almost frightening.
Anyway, I hope that this year a good year.

" They hope that this next year is better than the past. "
" bet for his part hoped that the coming year is to be better people. "
Quino, Mafalda

However, apart from rubbish.
Nothing, just that I realize that people change in a way that is almost frightening. Bind to the people if the finger is something incredible. No.
And to think that once we were all ' amicheH to skin' .
Um, it hurts me to continue to believe that the world is normal, perhaps? I'm too optimistic, I always think that things remain as they are, are not like that. They are too young and naive, Ugh.
... but who cares, anyway? I do not care u_u

I got a Wii for Christmas (L) from my mom, December 30. Yes, I I know. E 'come home with the Wii in the arm and humming' buooooon naaaataaaaale, miiiiins meeeeeerry criiiismas tuuuu iuuuuu 'and made me very happy (L)
And now I go, sorry. I taaaaante things to do.
... like nothing xD

xoxo, El


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