Nonno Simpson mi fa una pippa e altre cose di dubbio interesse
- Volevo rinnovare il LJ, ma non ho found a layout that I enjoy, so I'm limited to systems: I started with the labels, after touch to the various links.
- Some time ago Seri-fiction has also shown me His grace, translated: I opened the private store (not that the need was urgent, but I like the idea of them). I have to fill it and refine it. Coming sooner or later on your screens. Make my precioussss ola.
- In this period, particularly for recycling, this past week and a half I was 100% nursing home: pain in the chest, back, tingling, fatigue, hair loss ... I am a walking ailment. Put the change of season, put the meteoropathy, but here hypochondria by! In the end I was so anxious about all the self-diagnosis made by my sick mind, I went to the doctor with the idea of asking him the recipe for a thousand thousand checks and controls O_O
IO. The
signed here today able to vanish the word hospital.
Now I seem to feel better, although I still have little trouble incriccata extemporaneous, half back, but amen, standing almost all day on the books or the PC is unfortunately the case. I do a bit 'of stretching in the morning and I'm taking a break and to move with regularity. I have to stop being
un'incasinata, plus if I'm more organized I could do more good Part of what I want.
Basically I discovered that despite everything, I want to Pellacchia.
I never would have said
XD - I have to carry more speed with the beta-reading for dear Akanuccia
* * panic - I was in a state that scribacchinaggio WIP is now more or less stalled, are phase of self-criticism ... XD i loathe all I have to find some contest or challenge fanfic little challenging to produce a light heart, you know help unlock gridlock better dell'Activia * jaja * (never had the misfortune to try it, I think).
- The jinx never sleeps.
- finally spent some documentary Atlantis (program all-female inter alia: o) I have not seen yet ... I watch almost no TV, but I intrippano documentaries ever.
- / me longs for a little 'fantasy, but is there any other tome on duty takes precedence -.-
- It's not a sin to be comfortable in the company of solitude (and not even try it, each much)
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