Before leaving - finally - to read, let me conclude with a few caveats of purely practical nature.
Primarily, I think I have to give a clarification on the use of names: in terms of history will find either from the language others taken from the original English and Italian translation: in PF is referred to as Slytherin and Gryffindor, but also passport and Stunning. However, once a word is used in a particular language is this: so you will never see mention of the House of Slytherin or Portkeys. If this happens, please let me because it means that it is a mistake.
Proper names are almost all taken from the English: but you will not find Tom Marvolo Riddle Tom Marvolo, you will see quoted Severus Snape and Snape. The only notable exception is that of Albus Dumbledore, because they are too accustomed to this name and certainly I would forget half of times to insert the right one, Dumbledore.
There were other things I wanted to say more but I do not remember (do not be surprised, it is perfectly normal). Will mean that add little by little.
With this I finally concluded, for real.
I leave you, finally, to Perfect Family.
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